Political Action Committee

What We Do

The Sacramento Stonewall Democrats Political Action Committee (PAC) works to spread the community’s message, help elect LGBTQ+ and Ally candidates, and support inclusive policies. The PAC Committee is composed of volunteer members of our club.

On this page, you can find the most recent slate of endorsed candidates, a list of the members staffing the current PAC committee, and procedures for candidate endorsement.

For more information, please contact the PAC Chair: Matt Nielsen

The PAC is appointed by the Board of Directors for a one-year term running from September to September. After Board elections are completed in July, the PAC chair usually solicits new members of the PAC.

Club members interested in serving on the PAC should contact the PAC chair or submit a form.

Seeking Endorsement

If you are a candidate seeking Sac Stonewall’s endorsement, please contact the PAC Chair: Matt Nielsen for more information.